Locations of Site Visitors László Szögeczki's CE blog: I wish to keep my appearance

Thursday, 26 February 2009

I wish to keep my appearance

Turns out, I am too busy recently - but because I wish to keep my appearance here on the blog I thought to share one of my activities which keeps me away pretty often from writing it.

I work on an investigation:

An exploratory study of the rehabilitation of physical disabled adults in a group setting with particular reference to Conductive Education

Aim of the investigation:

1. To explore the characteristics of the delivery of adult CE in a group setting
2. To investigate the relationship between the cognitive, social, emotional and functional dimensions of the delivery of Conductive Education in a group setting and its impact on the experience of rehabilitation amongst a group of physically disabled adults
3. To examine the experience of rehabilitation in a group setting in another rehabilitation context
4. To compare and contrast the two settings.


Andrew Sutton said...

Very interesting. Do I detect a humanistic research paragigm?

Laszlo said...

You could say.

Andrew Sutton said...

Such an approach is deperately needed.

I wonder whether any of Franz's people doing doctorates in Budapest are doing anything similar with adults.