Locations of Site Visitors László Szögeczki's CE blog: Alan's speech at the exhibition through his communication aid

Thursday 8 October 2009

Alan's speech at the exhibition through his communication aid

Thank you all for coming to the opening of this exhibition. I'm Alan Martin, and you may recognise me from some of the photographs here today. I was delighted to be asked to pose for these works. It’s not the first modelling I've done!
Over the past few years, I've been attending sessions of conductive education with Lotszi. I know that using this technique with adults, like myself, is still very rare, but, in my case, it was really beneficial. Although its nearly a year since I had the chance to attend a session, I can still feel the benefits. At each session, I gained more awareness of my body, and learned techniques to ease stiff joints, get better control of my movements, and increase the range and strength of those movements. I feel it should be much more widely available.
As well as physical improvements, I feel more confident in my abilities, which comes in very useful in my line of work, namely, inclusive dance. Dance has been my passion for several years now. Some of you may just remember me at the start of my career, providing the entertainment at the Glaxo A.G.M. That was a long time ago!
I'd like to recommend conductive education as a whole person approach. My experience was not just about improving physical issues; it was about me, as a whole individual. See the person before the disability, is a quote I like, and I think that's true of this therapy. I hope you enjoy the work of Eva, Rachel, and Phil.


Judit Szathmáry said...

Kedves Laci,

Thank you for posting Alan’s speech. It always leaves me in owe when I read from people who access Conductive Education.
It seems to me that Alan has already been a determent and outstanding individual when he started Conductive Education with you.
His words carry weight and true inspiration in promoting this beautiful system of education.
Thank You Alan! ♥
Wishing you all the very best at Magen Baker’s House. Congratulations for the Exhibition.

jules_ce said...

i agree whole-heartedly with Judit. Well done Laci and well done Alan.

Wish i'd known about the exhibition as i'd have love to have attended.
