Locations of Site Visitors László Szögeczki's CE blog: Variety of Interventions for Parkinson Disease

Monday 2 November 2009

Variety of Interventions for Parkinson Disease

Neuroscientists at Karolinska Institute in Sweeden used PET and functional MRI scans to reveal changes in the number of the receptors for dopamine. Whether volunteers started with relatively low or relatively high number of dopamine receptors, brain training /brain gym resulted in a shift closer to the optimum balance.
“We knew that brain is plastic” says Torkel Klingberg, the lead neuroscientist for the investigation. “But nobody has shown that biochemistry of the brain is plastic in this way”.
He developed a programme used in the study, called Cogmed Working Memory Training. Neuroscientist Peter Snyder of Brown University, who is not really convinced of the effectiveness of brain training, also pointed out that it is given that the brain will change in response to a variety of interventions. The best memory enhancer is exercise. Secondarily, a good diet and an active social life have brain benefits.

From the article of Goodier R. in Scientific American Mind July/August 2009

Have you seen something similar around? Conductive Education for people with Parkinson Disease?


Martin Walker said...

Hello, Laszlo.

The work at the Karolinska Institute is very exciting. Products already exist that can give the kind of demanding brain exercise that the scientists use in their studies.

Mind Sparke Brain FItness Pro uses the same training protocol that was used to show transfer to fluid intelligence. With dual n-back working memory training scientists from the Universities of Michigan and Bern demonstrated increases in fluid intelligence of 40% with ust 19 days of working memory training.

Best wishes,

Laszlo said...

Dear Martin,

Thanks for your valuable comment.
I implemented brain gym activities into my Conductive Education pilot program for MS people in Liverpool last year and had surprising good result. Visual-spatial exercises boosted their "freshness" and the whole programe decreased fatigue.