Locations of Site Visitors László Szögeczki's CE blog: Connecting with others

Monday 25 January 2010

Connecting with others

Healthier people do seem to feel a greater emotional sense of connection and belonging, and that sense of meaning and connection is a vital part of health.

Skinner B.F.: Reflections on behaviourism and society, Englewood Cliffs 1978

Connecting collectively is central to community development process, and calls for us to work on number of levels at the same time. In our participatory practice, not only should we be engaging with individuals, groups and projects within the community, but also with the organisation and people who connect with community or impact on it. This is about bringing to the surface those hidden connections. Our work is about connecting people at all levels in all contexts, from community groups to movements for change. Not only does this heal alienation, but it also creates a common purpose for healthy world. Connections begin in less organised ways, and not only between groups, also not long period of time. Individuals represent, consciously or unconsciously, a wider society when connecting to other people who anyway also represent other groups of the society. A higher level when we consciously try to liaise with other groups of people – connecting collectively.

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