Locations of Site Visitors László Szögeczki's CE blog: January 2011

Thursday, 27 January 2011

Ujra es ujra, ismet, megint lehangolo kutatasi eredmeny

Par napja szamoltam be a legfrissebb konduktiv pedagogiat vizsgalo angol kutatasi eredmeny publikalasarol. Azota Andrew Suttonnak sikerult hozzajutnia a szoveghez es blogjaban mar kozetette a lehangolo eredmenyt, miszerint a kutatocsoport nem ajanlja a Britt iskolaknak, hogy a konduktiv pedagogia rendszeret, mint strukturat alkalmazzak, vagy financialisan tamogassak a szulok eziranyu kereseit.

Azt mar lehet tudni, hogy a kutatocsoport evtizedekkel korabban publikalt eredmenyekbol deduktiv uton jutott erre az allaspontra.

Nyilvan valakinek az Egyesult Kiralysagban reagalnia kellene; ertekelni a kutatast, biralni annak metodologiajat es dizajnjat, esetleg nem utolso sorban eredmenyeit vitatni megfelelo modon megvedeni a konduktiv pedagogia letjogosultsagat es versenykepesseget. Talan nem ohajtanek sokat, ha azt kivannam, hogy egy ertekelo cikk jelenhessen meg a publikalo magazinban.

Ki irhatna? Tulajdonkeppen barmelyik konduktiv pedagogiat Britanniaban eredmenyesen alakalmazo iskola pedagogusa, pszichologusa, egyeb szakembere, vagy akar a Britt konduktiv pedagogiai szakmai forum.

Remelem, valaki abban a pozicioban van, hogy ezt megtehesse, idot es energiat nem sajnalva reagal. Let's hope!

Saturday, 22 January 2011

New! Conductive education: appraising the evidence

Title: Conductive education: appraising the evidence
Author: Louise Tuersley-Dixon, Norah Frederickson
Publication: Educational Psychology in Practice
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Date: January 12, 2010

Abstract: Conductive education (CE) is widely reported as having a range of benefits. In the last two decades, it has expanded internationally. Educational Psychologists may well encounter parents requesting this specialist intervention which is not normally offered within Local Authority special needs provision, for children with cerebral palsy and other motor difficulties. This paper reviews the empirical research to investigate the specific claims that CE improves motor skills, thinking skills and independence and the counter claim that it may cause harm. Implications for practice are discussed.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Regarding to Andrew Suttons' last posting

Announcement issued by MTI on 28/12/2010:

Non-profit companies and central government agencies to take over the thirty-five, the government established by the Foundation and charitable functions of the cessation of which appeared in the latest government decision aims to Hungarian Gazette.

A Magyar Mozgókép Közalapítványnál - néhány más alapítvánnyal együtt - soron kívüli ellenőrzést végez a Kormányzati Ellenőrzési Hivatal.

The Hungarian Motion Picture Foundation for - along with some other foundation - unscheduled inspection, the Government Accountability Office.

Megszűnik a többi között az Európai Összehasonlító Kisebbségkutatások Közalapítvány, a Fogyatékos Személyek Esélyegyenlőségéért Közalapítvány, a Gandhi Közalapítvány, az Iparfejlesztési Közalapítvány, a Magyar Kultúra Alapítvány, a Magyar Nemzeti Üdülési Alapítvány és a Nemzetközi Pető András Közalapítvány.

Will the rest of the European Comparative Minority Research Foundation, the Foundation for Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities, the Gandhi Foundation, the Industrial Development Foundation, the Hungarian Culture Foundation, the Hungarian National Holiday Foundation and the International Foundation for Andras Peto.

Az új közhasznú szervezetek megalapításáról az állami vagyon felügyeletéért felelős tárcavezetőnek - azaz Fellegi Tamás nemzeti fejlesztési miniszternek - kell gondoskodnia.

The new non-profit organizations responsible for overseeing the establishment of state assets tárcavezetőnek - Fellegi Thomas is the national development minister - should be sought.

A kormányhatározat további alapítványok és közalapítványok megszüntetéséről is rendelkezik.

The government decision is the elimination of additional foundations and charitable organizations have.

A határozat értelmében ily módon szűnik meg a többi között az 1956-os Magyar Forradalom Történetének Dokumentációs és Kutatóintézete Közalapítvány; a Betegjogi, Ellátottjogi és Gyermekjogi Közalapítvány; az Emberi Jogok Magyar Központja Közalapítvány; a Habsburg-kori Kutatások Közalapítvány; a Hajléktalanokért Közalapítvány; a Határon Túli Magyar Oktatásért Apáczai Közalapítvány; a Környezetgazdálkodási Oktatási Fejlesztésért Alapítvány; a Magyarországi Cigányokért Közalapítvány; a Magyarországi Nemzeti és Etnikai Kisebbségekért Közalapítvány; a Magyary Zoltán Felsőoktatási Közalapítvány; az Oktatásért Közalapítvány; a Magyar Filmtörténeti Fotógyűjtemény Alapítvány; a Magyar Könyv Alapítvány és a Magyar Történelmi Film Közalapítvány.

The decision is thus eliminated in the rest of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and the History Foundation of the Institute, the patients 'care recipients' and Children's Rights Foundation, the Human Rights Centre for Public Foundation of Hungary, the Habsburg-era Research Foundation, Foundation for the Homeless, the Cross Over Apáczai Hungarian Education Foundation, the Environmental Education Development Foundation, the Public Foundation for Roma in Hungary, the Hungarian National and Ethnic Minorities Foundation; the Magyary Zoltán Foundation for Higher Education, the Education Foundation, the Hungarian Film History Photo Collection Foundation, the Hungarian Book Foundation and the Hungarian Film History Foundation.

A kormányhatározat ugyanakkor kimondja, hogy a megszűnő alapítvány vagy közalapítvány által ellátott feladatokkal kapcsolatban tanácsadó testület hozható létre a kuratóriumaik bázisán.

The government resolution states, however, that the legacy foundation or public foundation in relation to the tasks of the Advisory Council to create a base board.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Michael Winterhoff's concept seems to be close to CE

I posted about a "new"pedagogical discussion some days ago in Hungarian (19th December). Now, I thought to mention it in English as well since the view of Michael Winterhoff, a German child-psychologist, seems to have several correlating ideas with CE. It is not a suprise. CE remained to be in its pedagogical framework as it was years and years before. Oppositely, modern education has changed enormuosly in the last twenty-thirty years. Winterhoff recognises the downsides of the modern approach and efforts to highlight the values of the "traditional', or lets say earlier pedagogical methods both at home or school.

Here I copied a little text of him just raise your attention to this subject.

"Children used to be seen as children and intuitively led and guided by adults as such. For at least 15 years now they have been treated as partners and reared with the help of discussion and explanations. But you can't learn tennis, either, by having it explained and demonstrated to you. It isn't only parents and grandparents that are making major mistakes today, but professionals, too. This starts as far back as kindergarten and continues on into school, where teachers are receding more and more into the background and assuming the role of mentor and, more recently, coach. Primary school pupils are supposed to teach themselves reading, writing and arithmetic; grade one is taught by grade two. The fact is, however, that from a developmental psychology perspective, small children go to school to gain their mothers' approval and do many things they don't feel like doing for their teachers' sake.

To make matters worse, many parents compensate for the growing loss of orientation and recognition they feel today according to the following motto: even if nobody out there loves me, my child at least should do so. This unconscious compensation for a need cements the reversal of power that is the subject of infants' phantasies until they realize, from age three onwards, that grownups are bigger and stronger than they are. However, the worst part of it is that the general uncertainty and anxiety about the future of our society causes parents to merge with their children's minds in a kind of symbiosis. All of these relational disorders are linked to false reactions that make emotional development impossible. We end up with an entire generation of under-three-year-olds: egocentric, unable to cope with life, lacking in independence, unemployable or unfit for vocational training. This problem, by the way, is a worldwide phenomenon, seen in all of the wealthy countries and not only in Germany.

So this is not a consequence of the anti-authoritarian-education ideal fostered by the post-68ers in Germany?

No, absolutely not. And it is not a question of any kind of pedagogical discussion either. The tragic part of it is that the problems these children have can no longer be solved even through increased strictness. The child is not overburdened because it is treated as a separate person but because it is treated like a small adult. "