Locations of Site Visitors László Szögeczki's CE blog: Here is the comment...

Saturday 17 January 2009

Here is the comment...

I will keep very short this comment since I have very limited time to spend by my computer this evening but I really wanted to express couple of my thoughts regarding that advertisement.

It seems that the author has not got a clue at all what he/she is writing about. He/she must have heard only recently about “the world famous”. - Ok, that is not unique in the media.
It depicts as adult conductive education would not have known at all in UK and people have never had any experience of “highly skilled and experienced staff” of conductive education having “cerebral palsy, and other muscular weaknesses”. In fact, they have. I think adult conductive education is a boosting area of CE in the UK recently as after a long lonely work of NICE new services can be found throughout the country offering the possibility of CE in Britain for adults, too. Beside NICE’s great approach Percy Hedley, New Castle, Magan Baker House, Moreton Eye, or Independent Conductive Education Services in the North West area just launched (in the last two years) their services for Parkinson diseased, head injured, MS conditioned adult people.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laszlo

You can add to your list that Paces in South Yorkshire has had a conductive education (young) adult group for some 7-8 years now.

Aimed mainly at facilitating transition to independent adulthood as active citizens, a special interest of the group is developing independence through micro-enterprise.

We are looking into ways of expanding the group over the coming couple of years.

Best wishes