During the holydays I analyse research dialogues on CE and I liked the following bit because it made me to remember the Muppet Show’s two old men, Statler & Waldorf, who occupy the box seat at every show and heckle the performances.
Turns out, during the dialogue people tried to criticise CE and after two-three minutes chat they arrived their conclusion: We can’t find anything bad to say about it really.
Isn’t it a nice compliment?
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Pedagogiai vita
Az elmult harom evben uj jellegu pedagogiai vita bontakozott ki Michael Winter Hoff: Miert valnak zsarnokka a gyermekeink? cimu konyve nyoman (2008).
A mai szulok es tanarok tobbnyire partnerkapcsolatra torekszenek a gyerekekkel, hogy szabadon fejlodjenek, es ne kossek oket guzsba ertelmetlen szabalyok. Winter Hoff ugy veli, hogy ezekbol a gyerekekbol tiszteletet nem ismero, alkalmazkodasra es beilleszkedesre keptelen fiatalok lesznek...
Ket masik konyv kovette az elsot 2009-ben es 2010-ben is.
A vita nem csitul.
A konduktiv pedagogia szempontjabol aligha valtoztat barmit is Winterhoff felvetese, ugyanakkor valoban ambivalens gondolatokat valtanak ki muvei.
Az emlitett publikaciok:
Warum unsere Kinder Tyrannen werden: Oder: Die Abschaffung der Kindheit, Unter Mitarbeit von Carsten Tergast. Gütersloher Verlagshaus; Gütersloh 2008, ISBN 978-3579069807. Auch als Hörbuch, ISBN 978-3579076256
Tyrannen müssen nicht sein: Warum Erziehung nicht reicht - Auswege, In Zusammenarbeit mit Carsten Tergast. Gütersloher Verlagshaus; Gütersloh 2009, ISBN 978-3579068992
Persönlichkeiten statt Tyrannen: Oder: Wie junge Menschen in Leben und Beruf ankommen, Von Michael Winterhoff und Isabell Thielen. In Zusammenarbeit mit Carsten Tergast. Gütersloher Verlagshaus; Gütersloh 2010, ISBN 978-3-579-06867-1
A mai szulok es tanarok tobbnyire partnerkapcsolatra torekszenek a gyerekekkel, hogy szabadon fejlodjenek, es ne kossek oket guzsba ertelmetlen szabalyok. Winter Hoff ugy veli, hogy ezekbol a gyerekekbol tiszteletet nem ismero, alkalmazkodasra es beilleszkedesre keptelen fiatalok lesznek...
Ket masik konyv kovette az elsot 2009-ben es 2010-ben is.
A vita nem csitul.
A konduktiv pedagogia szempontjabol aligha valtoztat barmit is Winterhoff felvetese, ugyanakkor valoban ambivalens gondolatokat valtanak ki muvei.
Az emlitett publikaciok:
Warum unsere Kinder Tyrannen werden: Oder: Die Abschaffung der Kindheit, Unter Mitarbeit von Carsten Tergast. Gütersloher Verlagshaus; Gütersloh 2008, ISBN 978-3579069807. Auch als Hörbuch, ISBN 978-3579076256
Tyrannen müssen nicht sein: Warum Erziehung nicht reicht - Auswege, In Zusammenarbeit mit Carsten Tergast. Gütersloher Verlagshaus; Gütersloh 2009, ISBN 978-3579068992
Persönlichkeiten statt Tyrannen: Oder: Wie junge Menschen in Leben und Beruf ankommen, Von Michael Winterhoff und Isabell Thielen. In Zusammenarbeit mit Carsten Tergast. Gütersloher Verlagshaus; Gütersloh 2010, ISBN 978-3-579-06867-1
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Matthew Schiefer's research
I came across with the research interest of Matthew Schiefer , Ph.D. Biomedical Engineer at Cleveland University, Ohio, USA. His current research involves developing realistic nerve models using detailed histological studies. These models are used to guide the development of neural interfaces which will ultimately restore one or more functions in paralyzed individuals. Apparently, he ( his team) was able to start movements of paralysed lower extremities with only pressing a machine’s bottom. The future has arrived. I am sure this method will develop very successful later. As a conductor I never felt that such things would jeopardise CE as a profession, hence it opens the future…
Thursday, 16 December 2010
Konduktor - Konduktor-pedagogus (?)
Nemregiben -nehany napja- az egyik kozeli angol tanar ismerosom, arrol kerdezett, hogy van-e kulonbseg, s ha van, mi a kulonbseg konduktor es konduktor pedagogus (conductive education teacher) kozott. Hirtelenjeben annyit valaszoltam neki, hogy mas a kepzesuk, a konduktorok nem kapnak pedagogiai kepzest es igy nem is tanithatnak iskolaban. Mire o azt ecsetelte nekem, hogy igen am, de hat az angol tanarok nagy tobbsege sem pedagogus a szo (magyar) szoros ertelmeben, hiszen inkabb tantargyat tanitanak nekik, nem pedagogiat, vagy tantargypedagogiat, es a pszichologiai kepzesuk sem fordit figyelmet korspecifitasra. Azaz, nem minden “teacher” pedagogus. A pedagogiat mostanaban kezdik “felfedezni” Angliaban. Tehat akkor felmerult a kerdes , hogy mi az, amit a konduktor nem ugy csinal, mint a konduktor- pedagogus. Erre azt valaszoltam, hogy valoszinuleg a neveles pszichologiaja es technologiaja mas a konduktor-pedagogusnal - felteve, hogy van hozza erzeke.
Szemelyes tapasztalatom, hogy az idosebb magyarorszagi konduktor generacio tulajdonkeppen, ha nem is kapott pedagogiai kepzest , a legtobb esetben megis meglehetosen jo pedagogiai erzekkel vegeztek, vegzik konduktiv pedagogiai feladatukat. Ennek oka valoszinuleg kulturalis es tarsadalmi gyokerekben keresendo. Tantargyak tanitasara persze ok nem is igen vallalkoztak. Mas kerdes azonban, hogy a biminghami NICE-ban vegzett konduktorok pedagogusok e. A kepzes alapjan termeszetesen nem, igy tehat ok sem tanithatnak iskolban, vagy azon kivul. Ebben az esetben szemelyes tapasztalatom , hogy a NICE kepzesben reszesult konduktorok kozott joval nagyobb a “szoras” azt illetoen, hogy milyen pedagogiai erzekkel es vagy tudassal kozelitenek meg egy-egy csoportot vagy szemelyt. Jelenleg harom NICE kepzett konduktorral dolgozom egyutt es nagyon jo velemennyel vagyok roluk. De volt ez maskepp is a karrierem soran, igy a kerdes mas pontra navigalhat minket. Szukseg van e pedagogiai es hozzateszem, mert nem mindenutt jar egyutt, pszichologiai kepzesre, ha konduktorokat nevelunk?
Sunday, 5 December 2010
The 7th
Most of the British CE bloggers are gone to the 7th World Congress in Hong Kong. I am jealous a bit of course because I took part in 4 from the last 6 World Congresses and really enjoyed being there communicate about CE in many different ways. It is an uplifting feeling to meet with old and new friends and listen to interesting presentations about CE related topics. I will miss all of those during the next few days but in my mind I will be somewhere there in Hong Kong too. It is a great luck if someone works to such CE centre which is available to pay for the trip, accommodation and fees. I think many of the “ordinary” conductors are not able to visit the Hong Kong congress due to financial and time difficulties. I am one of them so the best thing I can do is to follow CE bloggers' written reports. You, who are there, please do not hesitate to give us full reports about everything you can experience in Hong Kong. I have already read on Facebook that the local temperature is 25C. So, keep reporting…
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Roma Lear's works and CE activities
"Roma Lear is a Froebel-trained teacher and started her career by working with children in hospital wards. Her innate creativity and enthusiasm led her to devise toy and games to amuse children with specific needs. She established a toy library, play groups and became a home tutor. Roma is an international expert on the subject of homemade toys and play ideas for children with disabilities and lectures worldwide."
She has published plenty of good books full of very useful play ideas we can implement to CE activities. I guess many of you know her long time ago but as I was planning for one of my groups last night I came to the idea to mention her in my blog. Maybe she is new for someone out there.
Google,Amazon her name for her works.
She has published plenty of good books full of very useful play ideas we can implement to CE activities. I guess many of you know her long time ago but as I was planning for one of my groups last night I came to the idea to mention her in my blog. Maybe she is new for someone out there.
Google,Amazon her name for her works.
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